ONLY "Nomen Nescio (nobody@dizum.com)" is anon in ALL WAYS at all times (& x-no-archive)
(too old to reply)
Alan Baggett
2004-08-14 17:52:36 UTC
See http://cyberper.cnc.net/anonCowardStalker.htm for details. But
there are only TWO guys around that have an anon domain (via
***@dizum.com) and who is anon in all ways and tries to avoid
responsibility in all ways. They are Nomen Nescio (***@dizum.com)
and his pal, "George Orwell (***@mixmaster.it)" -- the notorious
x-no-archive stalkers. These two stalkers and harassers have posted
MANY thousands of off-topic personal attack posts against several
people to several newsgroups over many years and the duo are not only
Usenet's biggest cowards, but Usenet's biggiest cyber-stalkers. They
are associated with many forgeries.

Here is just one example of Nomen's Work!

John Oliver
2004-08-14 19:49:36 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
Alan Baggett
2004-08-15 16:40:08 UTC
You are correct of course.

Just every once in a while I feel the burning need to call out these people.

C'est la vie.
Post by John Oliver
Post by Alan Baggett
See http://cyberper.cnc.net/anonCowardStalker.htm for details.
Why? Just killfile this individual.
Hint: He keeps posting because of the attention people like you keep
lavishing on him. You don't think he gets a rise out of a website all
about him? Either he loves it, or he hates it. In either case, he'll
keep posting to get your goat. Ignore him, and he'll wither up and die
Hint #2: I dropped all posts from dizum a long time ago and haven't
missed a thing.
2004-08-14 23:53:45 UTC
snip crap


Steve Young
2004-08-16 11:03:52 UTC
Post by Andy
snip crap
restored "crap"

"See http://cyberper.cnc.net/anonCowardStalker.htm for details. But
there are only TWO guys around that have an anon domain (via
***@dizum.com) and who is anon in all ways and tries to avoid
responsibility in all ways. They are Nomen Nescio (***@dizum.com)
and his pal, "George Orwell (***@mixmaster.it)" -- the notorious
x-no-archive stalkers. These two stalkers and harassers have posted
MANY thousands of off-topic personal attack posts against several
people to several newsgroups over many years and the duo are not only
Usenet's biggest cowards, but Usenet's biggiest cyber-stalkers. They
are associated with many forgeries.

Here is just one example of Nomen's Work!

http://groups.google.ca/groups?dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&threadm=02ee3c674db4d3a1c561daf8e6920683%40dizum.com&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26q%3Dcan.taxes "
Post by Andy
mayhaps that's just the problem

Newbies shouldn't be able to read their first Usenet article until they've
demonstrated competence at designing filters, suitable to their level of
acceptance. (kind of a Usenet drivers exam;). Maybe a permanent test
site, with all known bile and tricks. So new folks can tediously hone to
perfection, before allowably entering the highway. Heaven forbid we should
lose another one to the decadence


(PS all in jest I hope you understand)
He's right Mark. We don't like it. Stop the yapping and learn to use
your killfile. Then we can all have a *jolly good* *knee slappin* great
time! :)))) Have fun watching Sesame Street and R0mper R00m!
- Organizer
Alan Baggett
2004-08-17 03:21:14 UTC
Post by Andy
snip crap


You've really hurt my feelings Andy.

Please Please stop.
